The Advent of Code has started!
It's a tradition of mine to use a different language each year. In 2018 I went with PureScript, in 2019 I switched to Haskell, and this year I'm trying Rust.
I'll give up earlier than usual because I don't know enough of the language to do real damages. Still, I'm already having a ton of fun.
The best part is learning together by coding in public:
#AdventOfCode day one is behind me.
ā Riccardo Odone (@RiccardoOdone) December 1, 2020
Wow, I really don't know what I'm doing with Rust š Send help!
I kinda understand ownership in #Rust. But I still don't see why those `&` are needed in filter and map, or what in the docs would suggest that.
ā Riccardo Odone (@RiccardoOdone) December 2, 2020
Let's code the shit out of the Advent of Code together, shall we?